Dr. Charles W. Schwartz


Dr. Charles W. Schwartz received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His expertise spans the related areas of mechanistic pavement analysis and design, material characterization and constitutive modeling, geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, and infrastructure maintenance and management. Dr. Schwartz teaches courses on pavement design and analysis, advanced soil mechanics, computational geomechanics/pavement mechanics, and numerical methods. He also develops and presents short courses to industry and agency groups.

Dr. Schwartz’s research interests and experience focus on analytical and numerical modeling techniques for pavement structures and the characterization and laboratory testing of pavement materials. Major research projects in which he has participated include: NCHRP Project 1-37A 2002 Pavement Design Guide, NCHRP 9-19 Superpave Performance Models, NCHRP 9-30A Calibration of Rutting Models for HMA Structural and Mix Design, NCHRP 1-47 Sensitivity Evaluation of MEPDG Performance Prediction, NCHRP 9-51 Material Properties of Cold In-Place Recycled and Full Depth Reclamation Asphalt Concrete for Pavement Design; FHWA-sponsored projects on Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology to Better Manage and Assess Pavements and Evaluation of LTPP Climatic Data for Use in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG); and the pooled fund study Standardizing Lightweight Deflectometer Modulus Measurements for Compaction Quality Assurance. He also regularly assists the Maryland State Highway Administration and other local agencies and private firms on pavement-related topics. Dr. Schwartz in the past has also been active in the development and implementation of pavement management systems for airfield and highway pavements, including pioneering systems at John F. Kennedy, Newark, and Laguardia International airports and others.

Dr. Schwartz is an active member of TRB (Immediate Past Chair, AFD80—Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Pavement Sections), ASCE (Immediate Past Chair, Geo-Institute Pavements Committee; Member, T&DI Highway Pavements Committee), AAPT, and ISAP. He is an editorial board member for the International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Transportation Geotechnics. He is also an active continuing education instructor for the FHWA National Highway Institute.

Dr. Schwartz was selected for the Carl L. Monismith Lecture Award in 2020.

Professor and Chair

Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Maryland-College Park

1173G Glenn L. Martin Hall

301.405.1962 (office)

202.365.6306 (cell)

301.405.2585 (fax)

schwartz at umd.edu (email)

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Thingvellir National Park, Iceland